Friday, November 7, 2014

Empowering Self

The basic philosophy of life is to live it irrespective of the trying moments that may come your way. You would realize that no single moment passes you by without you learning one more thing about life. Friends may despise, enemies will trip you, hypocrites will pretend to venerate you; many will sometimes make you feel you are infallible. You think of yourself as perfect even when you hurt others knowingly.

 Life is a school. Each day we live, we have opportunities to learn lessons. Like in every school situation, there are lessons you will like and others you will abhor. You would succeed in some and feel good about it. You will fail woefully in others and you will be devastated. Take Courage! As long as you live those lessons will occur and reoccur. Even when you think you have mastered them, the moment will come when you'd look like a fool. For the tests will come and you would feel totally blank and incapacitated. But remember failure and disappointment are part of the learning experience of life.

 As the lessons of life are presented to you every day and in various forms, keep conning them. Don't forget there will be another lesson to learn even when you think you have mastered the previous ones. For so long as you are alive, there are always lessons to learn. So what you make of life is up to you. God has given you all the resources and tools you need to live a well-defined life. The choice usually remains with you, how much you'd want to make use of those resources.

If something does not seem to work for you in the classroom life, if someone is doing something you don't want them to do to you, take control of your life (like Frankie did yesterday on Big Brother Africa Hotshots when sipe and ellah pushed the buttons hard to break him. He mastered his emotions and walked out of the scene. Take a look at Ellah after Frankie's calm retirement of the discussion. For that peeps, Frankie should stay longer in the house because he is exactly the kind of specie Africa needs for development, peace and progress) and be the one who should dictate the pace at which you are going.

Someone said Life is too precious to leave it in the hands of someone else. Never expect anyone else to take care of the intrincasies of your life. You cannot trust your life to anyone. God is the only one you can trust to steer your life. Other people can act as advisors but never allow someone's opinion to overweigh your own.

Learn to empower yourself. Such empowerment begins when you take control of your life, when like the gospel minister T. D Jakes says 'You have had enough, when you take appropriate steps to make order out of what happens and when it happens in your life'.

As you live and learn lessons of life, do not forget that whatever you do, right or wrong, will have an impact on someone - Your children, your friends, your church, and your country. You will live behind a legacy - make sure it is one of excellence, of tenacious living, of sharpened intellect and spiritual accuracy. Maximise the moments of your life. If you allow the machinations of the people around you to perturb you and throw you out of focus, you are headed for the pit. And there are so many who would want to see you drown; for whatever reason, only they would know.

And that is why society, Our Society is full of scoundrels, people who are villainous who would never wish to see the good in others but themselves.

To prosper in life, you must learn to discard such people and their selfish notions. Live you life everyday knowing the lessons are many to learn. Don(t be a fool to succumb to the trappings of others, God will make a way for you because HE gave you your life and wants you to live it abundantly.

Have a Lovely weekend. And while you enjoy it, let us take the rendezvous tomorrow as from 3pm exclusive to Stv on Surviving Adolescence.

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